The 2024 Proposed EPA Method Update Rule
January 28, 2025
Course Description:
This webinar will summarize the Method Update Rule (MUR) proposed by EPA in December 2024. This is a major rule and comments will be dure in early January.
This action proposes to promulgate three new EPA methods into 40 CFR Part 136:
- EPA Method 1633A: an analytical method capable of measuring 40 PFAS compounds.
- EPA Method 1621: an analytical method capable of measuring adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF).
- EPA Method 1628: an analytical method capable of measuring all 209 PCB congeners.
This action also proposes to codify analytical methods developed by Voluntary Consensus Standard Bodies (VCSB) as is consistent with the National Technology Transfer Act. These analytical methods include:
- ASTM D8421 measuring the same 40 PFAS compounds as EPA Method 1633A.
- Standard Method 4500-PAA measuring peracetic acid.
- Standard Method 4500-H2O2 measuring hydrogen peroxide.
This action also proposes to withdraw the existing EPA methods for measuring seven Aroclors (PCB mixtures). EPA is proposing to simplify the sampling requirements for two volatile organic compounds, acrolein and acrylonitrile, and make a series of minor corrections to existing tables of approved methods, including removal of some methods for metals, addition of an analyte to Method 625.1, many removals and changes to footnotes, and several changes to Table II in sample preservation and holding times.
Topics will include:
- Overview and How to Read the Federal Register
- The New Methods
- Standard Methods
- Other Changes
- Acrolein and acrylonitrile
- PCB Congeners
- Removal of Methods
- Changes to footnotes
- Changes to Table II
- How to submit comments
Expected Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the technical aspects of the new methods.
- Understand how to read a Federal Register proposed rule and provide comments.
- Understand the changes to holding times for acrolein and acrylonitrile
- Understand why EPA is moving away for Aroclors to PCB Congeners
Intended Audience:
- Quality Assurance Personnel, Laboratory Analysts, Laboratory Managers/Supervisors, Assessors
$55 per person for TNI members
$70 per person for TNI non-members
$250 per group of 5-10 students at same location for TNI members
$325 per group of 5-10 students at same location for TNI non-members
No certificates are automatically provided with this training. A Certificate of Completion (CoC) ($30 per person) or Certificate of Attendance (CoA) ($20 per person) may be purchased during or after registration or webcast purchase. A passing score of at least 70% must be received on the exam in order to receive CEUs and a CoC. Scores of less than 70% will receive a Certificate of Attendance at no reduced fee. For a CoA you will not need to take the quiz and you will not receive CEUs. To receive your certificate, contact Paul Junio at [email protected] with date of purchase and date of training completion. See FAQs for additional information.
Format: Webinar Start Date: Tuesday 28th January 2025, 12:00pm EST Length: 3 hours CEUs: 0.3 
Presented By:
Jerry Parr, Catalyst Information Resources, and William Lipps, Shimadzu About the Presenter:
 Jerry Parr is the Principal Scientist with Catalyst Information Resources, a company focused on providing current relevant information on environmental laboratory issues. He also serves as the Executive Director for The NELAC Institute, serves on the Advisory Board for the Environmental Laboratory Washington Report, and is the conference organizer for the National Environmental Monitoring Conference. He has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin and has 40 years of experience in environmental analytical chemistry.

William Lipps has over 35 years’ experience as a chemist and manager of industrial and environmental laboratories, product specialist, product manager, and marketing of both laboratory services and instruments. William is chair of ASTM Committee D19 on water, is an Editor for Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, and a US delegate to ISO TC147 water chemistry. William is general manager of government and regulatory business development at Shimadzu. |