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Standard Interpretation

Standard: 2016
Section: V1M2, Section


The term "Microliter" is a trademark for Hamilton Company syringes. Are other brands and types of syringes acceptable, such as SGE MicroVolume, Hamilton GasTight, or Agilent syringes? If so, what is the definition of a glass microliter syringe (i.e. maximum volume, plunger construction, etc.). Thank you.


The term “Microliter” is trademarked to a Hamilton syringe due to its capitalizing of the letter M. The Standard refers to microliter (uL) in the lower case of M. The Standard does NOT require a specific brand of syringe. As for what constitutes a microliter (uL) syringe, a syringe that is sold in terms of measuring in microliters (uL) is a microliter (uL) syringe.